For whom?

Our clients can be divided into four thematic groups. Which group do you belong to?


The program is aimed at people who are overweight or obese. In this program we
focus on one hand on the gradual reduction of body weight through a combination
of individually tailored diet and a set of exercises precisely tailored to the capabilities of each client. At the same time
we work on building healthy habits and a positive attitude towards our own body.

The good life

A program for all who care about leading a healthy and conscious lifestyle. Taking care
of a balanced diet, appropriate physical activity and mental well-being is a big challenge. This program is designed to
facilitate this task, providing solutions tailored to the needs and abilities of each client, so that in the daily rush they do
not have to put off taking care of themselves “for later”.

The children

The problem of excessive body weight occurs already in young children. WHO warns that if current trends continue, by
2025 there will be approximately 70 million children under the age of 5 in
the world with excessive body weight. Obese children and adolescents are very likely to remain obese well into adulthood and will have an increased risk of developing diseases leading to reduced
quality and length of their lives. Our program for children is designed to help them reduce their weight in a gentle
and stress-free manner. To this end, we design children’s diets in such a way that they do not feel they have to give up what
they enjoy. At the same time, we place great emphasis within this program on the education of children and their parents, on the introduction of healthy habits that will help them continue a healthy lifestyle in the future. The role of our psychologist in this
program is to support both children and their parents, teach them good coping strategies and self-acceptance.


Excessive body weight, especially obesity, promotes the development of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of
cancer. This program is aimed at people who already have these diseases or are at
increased risk of developing them. Within this program, diet is composed with a view
to prevention or supportive treatment of specific diseases, and physical activity is selected so as not to overload the client’s body.


Set your goals and we will help you achieve them. With us, success is guaranteed.